Master of Science in Health Services Administration

UE的HSA理学硕士是为那些想在公共和私人卫生服务组织中担任卫生保健管理职位的人设计的. 通过利用英国威廉希尔中文网站的全职教师以及来自商界和医疗保健组织的兼职教师,该计划的多学科方法得到了加强.

Overview Video


研究生可以作为全日制或非全日制学生参加该课程. Most part-time graduates are working adults in the community. 他们通常每学期上一到两门夜校,并在三到四年内毕业. 作为一名全日制研究生,传统上每学期修9 - 12个学分. 这些学生在14 - 18个月内通过白班和夜校毕业.

Graduate Program Advantages

  • Benefit from a program designed for working adults and full time students
  • Select from a large number of evening classes
  • Begin classes any semester
  • 除了商业社区和医疗保健组织中经验丰富的兼职教师外,还可以接受全职UE教师的高质量指导
  • Gain close relationships to students and faculty through small class sizes
  • 通过可选的10天海外学习项目,获得全球医疗保健知识
  • Graduate with a minimum of 36 semester hours

Admission Requirements


Overview of the health care system. Reviews the history and current status of various segments of health care. Includes analysis of the impact of socioeconomic and political factors, as well as current health care issues and trends.

强调法律和道德程序及其在卫生保健组织中的应用, administrator, staff, employees, and patients. 包括决策过程的伦理层面和当前的卫生保健伦理问题.

检查研究原则和方法,因为他们有助于卫生保健组织和交付系统. 提供开发研究计划和研究文献的正式批评的经验.

Uses various organizational, managerial, and behavioral theories, concepts, and principles to analyze, diagnose, predict, and guide human behavior within health care organizations. Emphasis on motivation, leadership, change, communication, personality, group dynamics, decision making, and organizational development. 强调理解卫生保健组织中专业角色的重要性.

包括管理理论和实践的研究,由卫生服务的管理者应用. Emphasizes analysis of the manager's role, interactions with people, the organization, and the environment. Special emphasis on human resource issues.


将长期目标规划与卫生保健服务的营销维度相结合. Concepts, techniques, 以及在卫生保健行业的营销计划和管理中使用的理论.

在整个生命周期中对健康促进、特定疾病和健康问题的研究. 包括影响个人的传染病和慢性疾病及病症, the family, and the community. 探讨卫生保健系统在通过预防和治疗处理这些问题中的作用.

Focuses on the acquisition, allocation, and management control of financial resources within health care organizations. Includes cost analysis, financial position analysis and strategies, reimbursement, pricing policies, budgeting, capital expenditure, analysis of financial reports, and informal and external controls.

在机构导师和教员的监督下,在选定的卫生保健组织内提供实地经验. 课程的设计取决于学生个人过去和现在在医疗机构的工作经验以及未来的目标. Prerequisite: Permission of the instructor.

检查管理保健组织在医疗保健系统中的作用变化. Discusses the history, basic structure of managed care firms, the interrelationships among providers, and their evolving role. Their impact on health care economics discussed in detail.

Focuses on the analysis of data common to health care. Includes data description, elements of probability, distribution of random variables, estimation and confidence intervals, binomial and normal distributions, hypothesis testing, contingency tables, regression analysis, and ANOVA.

通过广泛使用案例研究,审查卫生服务管理中的决策. 从其他HSA课程的材料整合到面对所有类型的卫生保健组织的决策研究.

在教师的监督下进行医疗保健管理方面的独立研究. Prerequisite: Permission of the instructor.

结构化作业,使学生获得与职业兴趣领域相关的医疗保健管理职位的实践经验. 学生由实习主任指导,并由合作组织的一名成员监督. 前提条件:卫生服务管理项目主任的许可.

Lectures and discussion of topics not covered in regular course offerings. 为特别感兴趣的主题提供更深入的内容,或探索医疗服务管理中快速变化的领域.